Become a Digital Marketer

-599Days -19Hours -58Minutes -19Seconds
This course delivered offline/online via live industry professional from Nepal and India will expose you to modern digital marketing skills for the digital world .Learn SEO , Google Ads, Search Engine Marketing, You tube promotions ; video Ads, Mobile ads and Social Media Marketing skills and more

nmspl digital marketing courses

Course Overview
Advance Digital Marketing Certification from NMSPL Regardless of whether you are a business owner, beginner, sales professional or a student in Nepal. This Digital Marketing Associate certification will help you earn more in your business or have a 45 degree career growth in your current profession or define your future in your studies.

What Will I Learn

Duration: 40 Days

Advance Course in Digital Marketing Overview

What is Digital Marketing | Digital Vs. Traditional Marketing | Benefits of Digital marketing | Digital Marketing strategy for websites

Search Engine Optimization
What is SEO| Why SEO is important for business | Introduction to SERP | How search engines work? Google Operator: So that you can find anything on the web | Google Ranking Factors

What are keywords?
Different types of keywords | Google keyword planner tool | Keywords research process
What is On-Page Optimization?

Title Tag Optimization | Meta Tags Optimization | Headers Optimization | Heading tags optimization | Page URL Optimization | Anchor Links Optimization (Internal Linking) | Image Tag Optimization | Creating HTML and XML sitemaps | Robot.txt and its importance | Custom 404 Error Page | Use of Canonical tag | URL Redirection (301 vs 302 redirection) | Content Optimization (Keyword Density, Prominence & Proximity) | Site speed analysis
Google Search Console
Adding site and verification | Setting Geo target location | Search queries analysis | External Links report | Crawls stats and Errors | XML Sitemap | Robots.txt and Links Removal | HTML Suggestions
What is OFF-Page Optimization?
What are Backlinks? Why Backlinks are Important?  How to Get Backlinks? Difference Between Do-Follow and No-Follow Backlinks | What is Google Page Rank? Search Engine Submissions | Directory Submissions | Article Writing and submissions | Press Release writing and submissions | Blog Posting | Classifieds posting | Forum Posting | Business Listing | Social Bookmarking
White Hat, Black Hat & Grey Hat SEO
Local SEO
Google Business Page Creation |  Business Page Reviews | Optimize website for Local SEO | Local Citation
SEO Tools Overview
Google Trends | SEO Moz | Screaming Frog | SEMrush & Others
Google Algorithms and Updates
Google Hummingbird Algorithm?  What is Google Panda Algorithm?  What is Google Penguin? What is Google EMD Update? How to save and recover website from Google Panda & Penguin?
How to Conduct a Comprehensive SEO Audit?
Structure Data ( Implementation
AMP Pages
Google Rank Brain
Google Mobile First Indexing
Migrate Website from HTTP to HTTPS
Migrate Website from Old Domain to New Domain
Search Engine Marketing
What is SEM? Why SEM is important for business?

Google AdWords, PPC Training Introduction, PPC Account Setup, Set-up PPC Campaign, PPC campaign Navigation |Use My Client Centre (MCC) What is “Click-through-Rates” (CTRs)  What is Impression?  What is Conversion? What is “Cost/Conversion”? How to increase CTR & Conversion What is Tracking Code?  How to do Keyword Research for PPC | What is Keyword Research? Research PPC Keywords | Select Targeted/related Keywords | Analyze Competitors keywords | Find Keywords popularity & Search Volume | Categorize Keywords in Ad groups | PPC Keywords tools and resources | How to Create Ads for PPC Campaigns | Create Effective Ads Ad groups | Bids Management in PPC | What is bidding? | What is Quality Score? How Quality Score Effect on Bids?  How to Increase Position on Search? Bid for Ad position | Importance of bidding techniques | How important is Landing Page for PPC| What is Landing Page? Important of Landing Page | Optimize your landing pages |How to Increase conversion rates
Use ‘Calls to Action | Cost/Conversion | PPC reporting structure | Campaign Performance Reports |Keywords Performance Reports | Ad group Performance Reports
Ads Performance Reports | PPC Campaigns Tools
Google Analytics:
Introduction to Google Analytics
How Google analytics works |  Understanding Google analytics account structure | How to add analytics code in website (Html Site/Wordpress) | Understanding bounce & bounce rate | Difference between exit rate & bounce rate | Monitoring traffic sources | Monitoring traffic behavior | Exporting Your Data from Google Analytics | Secondary dimensions | Drilling down Into Reports
Custom Reporting
Introduction to Custom Reporting | Valid Pairs of Dimensions and Metrics | Designing Your Custom Report
Introduction to Filters
Types of Filters |  Exercise on Selecting Appropriate Filters
Goals in Google Analytics
Introduction to Goals | Configuring Goals | Configuring Duration |Time on Site Goal Implementation | Configuring a Pages/Screen Goal
Integrating Google Analytics with Google Search Console
GTM with Google Analytics
Facebook Marketing:-
Demystifying Community Building on Facebook
Orientation to Facebook Brand Pages |  EndgeRank Algorithm: Why engagement is a key to success on Facebook?  How to create Facebook Marketing Strategy? Facebook Applications for Fan Growth and Engagement | How to create Brand Ambassadors on Facebook?  Leveraging Facebook Insights for Success Relevant Facebook Marketing Success Stories (Global & Indian) | Facebook Connect (Like, Share, Comment)  Facebook Pages (Creating, Managing, Retention)
Creating Facebook Marketing Strategy
From Objectives to ROI Competitive Research  Strategy Presentation by Participants Exercise: Participants to create Facebook Marketing Strategy for their organizations
Types of Facebook Ads
Facebook Ads vs. Google Ad words, Significance of CTR (Click Through Rate), Optimizing Ad Copy & Targeting, Exercise: Participants to launch & promote live Facebook Communities
Email Marketing
Understanding Email Marketing, Setup Tool for Sending Mail, Sending the Right Email, Creating a High-Performance Email, Analyzing your Marketing Email